Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1. The first thing that caught my eye when looking at Lewis Hine's photos was the faces of the people. These were suffering people, or hard working people whose stories were shown in these photos. Their faces tell so much about what they are experiencing and what they have been through. 

a) I see the the men, breaking down and doing back-breaking labor to support their families. Their bodies and clothes are scratched and dirty due to the poor conditions they have to work in. The men are rigid and tired and are giddy to get home for the night.
b) I smell the sweat and grease radiating from the men's clothes. The smell is vulgar and is the kind that makes eyes water. Smells of metal and chemicals are only normal in a place like this.
c) I hear the metallic screech of metal agains metal and the mild conversations of the workers. I hear an argument about where a certain screw is supposed to go and a quite talk of rebellion amongst some men in the back. The sounds are constant and after a while could give someone a headache.
d) I taste the earthy particles of dirt and dust in the air. They make my mouth dry and make me want a glass of water. Occasionally, I can somehow taste the metallic taste of steel, it's almost like I bit my tongue and drew blood.
e) I feel warm and sweaty, the amount of bodies in this small room only adds to the warmth of the day. Emotionally, I feel angry, the poor conditions are unfair with the little pay they receive. I feel like change needs to happen, these men are treated so poorly!

a) I see young boys gathering potatoes to give out to their community. I see their tired, starving faces and how grateful they are to The American Red Cross for helping them and their families. The large, brown potatoes are piled from the left part of the room to the right, I see how this can symbolize hope for these young boys.
b) I smell the prominent smell of ripe potatoes make you think of the mashed potatoes your mother would make at Thanksgiving. I can smell the sweat and dirt that are emanating from the boys, its obvious that they haven't bathed or showered in many days or even weeks. The smells aren't particularly good smells, but you can tell that this smell is pleasant for the boys.
c) I hear the polite chatter of the boys, from their tone, you can tell how grateful they are. The Red Cross volunteers and directors are quietly chatting in the background, talking about important official matters. The boys discuss things like baseball, football and other topics young boys discuss.
d) I taste the dust and ash left in the air, its very dry here. I even got to taste one of the potatoes, it was delightful. The taste was salty and savory, and would be even better with ketchup.
e) I feel the large, round potatoes that fall around the camera. I feel the intense humidity that makes my lungs work even harder to get oxygen. I feel the positive energy of hope and relief that the boys are giving off.

3. To show the world my photographer, Lewis Hine, I would create a power point that goes through his life and focus on his photography career.


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